Advice. today's fashion leads to tomorrow's destruction.

I could vividly remember my days in primary/secondary school, we use news papers & calendar to cover our notes,so that it will will look neat & clean & not be endangered to any harm.

Wow it really made sense.
Cos after making use of the notes & U remove the covering, the book will still looks new & neat after months /years of it usefulness.
What a Great idea.

I have seen lots of smart phones used by lots of people,especially smart phones. Though not all smart phone users are smart,but when it comes to maintaining the smart phone, they appear to be smart in making the decisions just to keep it safe and sound.
Though the phone is in its smart making yet the users hide the smartness inside phone packs Cos they knew that the smartness of the phone can only be appreciated only the the phone is safe and sound, not by exposing it harm.
       They use so many designs of phone packs to cover the smartness of the phone without feeling ashamed, even the screen is protected with screen guard. Some screens are so tinted that they find it so difficult to see clearly the display under the sun,  but they complained not.
WOW,what a very tough hard decisions & nice precautions we accept just for the safety of our phones.

       ALL this are nice and wonderful.
 BUT,   what of our BODY?
The temple ⛪ of the Holy spirit, very costly more than any gadgets U can think/dream of.
When it comes to covering it, we realize that it is so beautiful & sexy to be covered.
We realize we have straight sexy legs, that's why we bury ourselves in mini shorts and sags like prisoners. We advertise our chest and boobs without placing it on advert board.
But we fail to realise that our smart phones is too smart to be buried under packs and guard.  Cos we felt like is expensive .

   The ladies and gentlemen of 21 century.
Where have God wronged Us?
He created us in his own image & clothed Us when we are naked,
Yet we chose unclad over clothing, (only pigs went back to dirt after bathing. )
What is wrong with dressing decent
Good looking attracts good opportunities,
if Your man loves U for for appearing nude,think twice my dear, that's not love,cos he will need her advice his sister/daughter to appear the same.
Say NO to indecent dressing (FLEE).

Any man U lure into temptation Cos of Ur indecency, U will definitely ans. For it.
REMEMBER; heaven is beautiful, hell is hot


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